Looking a Gift Horse in the Mouth (Part 1)

I like it here. I have a solid group of fellow horse friends, and probably at least several thousand humans (both big and small) that adore me as much as I adore them! Over the years I have received several awards, including, but not limited to “The Bestest Boy”, “The Steady Eddy”, “The Most Patient”, “The Least Bothered By Anything”, and “The Sweetest Old Man”. I have helped so many kids learn to ride that I wouldn’t be able to count them even if a human taught me what numbers are.

Hi, friend! My name is Eclipse. I am a 28 year old Quarter Horse, and everyone tells me I’m a perfect ambassador of both my breed and therapeutic riding horses. I found time in between being in lessons and napping in the sun to sit down for an interview, so I could take everyone on a trail ride through how I got to Hands and Hearts, what I do for a living now, and what I used to do before!

I  am Eclipse!

I am Eclipse!

How is your job different than any of the other horses? Aren’t you all doing the same thing?

Yes, and no. While we are all lesson horses, and in that sense we all have the same job, we all bring different things to the hay bale! In my younger days, my quiet nature and smoother gaits made me a good one to teach walk, trot, and canter. My broad, strong back means I could easily carry bigger riders. I am also great for riders with low muscle tone, as my back provides a wide base of support, which in turn helps them make their core muscles strong to sit up nice and tall! These days, now that I’m considered an “old man”, I am the go-to for new riders, nervous riders, and young riders. I’m very laid back, easy going, and I have endless patience, so my riders can learn new riding skills at their own pace. I enjoy teaching the kids how to ride all by themselves, and while I’m doing mostly walk only lessons, I enjoy those first steps in teaching them how to trot. I show my kids the ropes, then they graduate to another one of my friends, so they can continue to grow in confidence and skill level! If horses were video games, I would be the tutorial level that teaches you how to play.

What did you do before therapeutic riding?

I was a hunter jumper, and what great fun I had!

How did you end up at Hands and Hearts?

I was donated! I was getting up there in age, and wasn’t jumping anymore. I’m a work-minded fellow, and having a job is something that makes me happy. My mom, Lauren, decided to donate me to Hands and Hearts, because she knew I’d be a perfect fit. She knew I had the right disposition, and she knew it would be something I would enjoy. She was right! If you’re reading this, hi mom!

I teach my riders, and they teach me too! Here I am learning how to read.

I teach my riders, and they teach me too! Here I am learning how to read.

Susie Shin