School? How cool!

Did you know that we proudly serve up to 11 school groups across 8 counties?

Our classroom is home to more than just helmets and summer camps, we also have a school group partnership program! All of our school groups are from self-contained classrooms across Thomas county, and several surrounding counties. Classes have the option to come once a week, once a month, or twice a month. What do they do? Let’s find out!

After the school bus arrives and the kids and teachers unload into our classroom, it’s time to ride! We block out up to two hours to give the students adequate time to ride. The class is divided up into small groups, and the kids all have a riding lesson in groups of 2-3. This part functions in much the same as our therapeutic riding program, where during the lesson the riders learn riding skills while playing mounted games that can help students practice important social skills, like turn-taking and conversation. The riding lessons can also help students improve upon gross motor skills, and balance and coordination. After the lesson, the students head back to the classroom while their friends have their lesson! In the classroom, teachers are free to continue schoolwork.

This class is starting out their ride by doing arm stretches, to get their muscles warmed up!

This class is starting out their ride by doing arm stretches, to get their muscles warmed up!

After all students have ridden, they board the bus to head back to school to finish out their day!

Isn’t it fun to ride with friends? This rider is waving hello to their friend on the other side of the arena. This is also a great social skill!

Isn’t it fun to ride with friends? This rider is waving hello to their friend on the other side of the arena. This is also a great social skill!

Once again similar to our therapeutic riding program, we need volunteers for school groups too! Volunteers help during the rides by either sidewalking with the riders or leading their horses. We also love the extra hands in the barn to help tack up! If you are interested in volunteering, contact our volunteer coordinator, Devyn, at so we can schedule you an orientation!

These classmates are cheering on their friends, and are ready to ride next!

These classmates are cheering on their friends, and are ready to ride next!

Susie Shin